Engineers from Hyperoptic will be on-site to conduct surveys relating to provision of high-speed fibre broadband to the houses in the development May 27-29th. The service is already available to flats.
The work will involve lifting of BT manholes on the development and should cause minimal disruption. We have sought assurance from Hyperoptic that all work will be done following government COVID-19 guidance, which they have confirmed.
We have not been advised of any need to access individual properties at this time and have clarified to Hyperoptic that they will need permission from both us and corresponding owners if they do.
Any enquiries relating to Hyperoptic relating to getting service should be directed to them. Please do not engage the engineers directly whilst they are onsite. We have been asked to respect social distancing guidelines and they will be unlikely to be able to answer specific questions anyway.
PWRA has no involvement between the relationship between Hyperoptic and residents opting to take their service. Any tenants are also reminded that they should seek the permission of their property owner before requesting a new connection as this typically requires wiring a connection point internally in the property.
PWRA does not promote or recommend the use of any broadband provider over another. Hyperoptic was granted permission to provide services to the development as an additional option after they contacted us after interest expressed by a number of residents. The connection provided by Hyperoptic will facilitate much higher internet speeds than currently available due to use of fibre to the premises (FTTP).